Currently Browsing: Tutorials

Two Element CSS Selector Challenge

A while ago I was asked by a follow co-worker if I think it was possible to build an entire site using only two CSS selectors. So after better defining, then adopting the challenge, I felt it was time to share. With this challenge, you push your thinking in a more minimalistic frame of mind with little impact and/or no learning curve.

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Working With CSS Sprites

Sprites are compiled versions of different creative parts of a website that typically has no need for repeating axises. Sprites are recommended to be used when ever possible to help cut down on HTTP requests to the server, and ultimately help speed up the performance of your web site.

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8bit Alpha Transparent Tool

The other day I was in a scramble to create some rotator images, each rotator slide needed to be divided up into diffrent layers. This obviously calls for some PNG images for each layer and because they are of diffrent layers, they each needed to be alpha transparent. Thats when I found this little gem of a tool...

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Basic jQuery touchmove Event Setup

I was recently tasked with replicating a "mousemove()" event on the iPad using the "touchmove()" event. I ran into a few snags and felt it was worthy enough to document my findings. Here I will show you how to properly setup a touchmove() event and even find the touch's page coordinates.

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jQuery Selector Chain Conditions

There has been a few times while writing a few jQuery plugins that I come across conditions that almost does the same thing in both the if and else. I always wondered if their was a way to condense such a condition and help lower my file size, and after a little bit of tweaking I figured it out.

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Realtime Image Typesetting with PHP GD

Learn how to use both JavaScript Ajax and PHP GD (graphical library) to perform real-time image typesetting onto a image. We will also cover how to use custom text colors, sizes, rotation and even fonts in our example demo.

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All jQuery Google Hosted Repository Links

I find myself now and then on Google trying to hunt down jQuery and jQuery-UI repository links. Over time, I only felt it was necessary to compile everything into one place for other developers to quickly reference and gather their needed jQuery parts.

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jQuery zLayers Parallax Plugin

zLayer jQuery plugin allows you to orientate elements based off your mouses position from that element. zLayer is perfect for interactive illustrations, depth effects and rich user experience through creative methods. The best part about zLayer is how easy, lightweight, and quick the plugin is!

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jQuery Image Swapping with Fade Effect

Today we are going to cover how to properly change the source of a single image using jQuery with a fade transition effect. We will learn how to use our fade effect as a callback to hide our image swapping from our viewers.

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Javascript Mobile Orientation Detection

Today I wanted to share with you how to detect the orientation of a mobile device such as iPhone, iPad, Blackberry even the Android with JavaScript alone. Before we start we should talk about “Media Queries” for CSS3. CSS3 media queries allow you to change the layouts/look and feel of your site by means of screen side detection. The problem however with CSS3 media queries you can’t...

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A Faster More Flexible Way to Write jQuery CSS

Today we are going to learn how to cut down on using repeated values in your jQuery CSS styles. I will also show you why this method is not only faster but more flexible than the traditional jQuery CSS method.

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