Currently Browsing: Tutorials

CMS Instant Edit (3 of 3)

This is our third installment of the CMS instant edit script. Here we will be talking about our last two languages “PHP & MySQL”. PHP is a server side language that preform’s more complex and secure server side functions such as creating and editing files on the server or storing and retrieving sensitive data from a database. MySQL is a well uses and popular database that works almost...

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CMS Instant Edit (2 of 3)

This is the second edition to our instant edit tutorial. Today I will be expanding our instant edit to work with Ajax to save and retrieve information from our server side language PHP and a MySQL database. We left off with a our functions fully created to perform our instant edit via client site DOM scripting. Now we must add functions that will send and retrieve data from our database but doing so with...

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CMS Instant Edit (1 of 3)

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Pure CSS Vertical Menu

Today we are going to build the second most common menu navigation, the vertical navigation menu. Here we are going to be using only pure CSS and un-ordered lists to create our menu with three sub-levels. This version of the vertical navigation menu will work in IE5 / IE6 (with CSS pseudo hover fix), IE7, IE8, IE9, as well as FF, Safari and Chrome.

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Three Column Layout in Less Than Ten Lines of CSS

Many developers have dedicated their time and efforts such as me to try to move developers over to the proper standards of web code and away from older or non w3c approaches to site designs. One of these long used but improper approaches to site designs is the dreaded table use for your sites layout. Tables were never meant to be a websites layout backbone as IE and Microsoft FrontPage have been advocating...

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The !important Use In CSS

Sometimes we must isolate out specific versions of IE that give us grief as developers. There have been many discovered avenues in isolating certain versions of IE out of our style scheme to give specific instructions to, but none are as subtle as the !important. That’s right the !important use is for IE related issues ONLY! Aside from the ridicules fact that we have a procedure to make this one browser...

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Pure CSS Light Box

VIEW WORKING EXAMPLE OF OUR PURE CSS LIGHT BOX NOW A light box is web slang for a way to divide and present such things to your viewers as pictures in a gallery or special site notices. Today I wanted to quickly show you how to create a pure CSS light box. Lets start with our light box structure. Create a new document and add the following:<div class="onLight"> On <div...

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Three Column Layout in less than 15 lines of CSS

This is a follow-up to my Three Column Layout in less than 10 lines of CSS tutorial but in this one we are going to be using, no background images no JavaScript and 100% pure CSS. This method only uses 14 CSS rules making it very light weight, easy to maintain, SEO and cross browser friendly. If for what ever reason you feel you might want to use this method but don’t want to follow the tutorial I...

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Learning Intermediate CSS Faster Than Ever.

Today we will be expanding on our previous tutorial “Learning the basics of CSS faster than ever” into what areas we are permitted to write our CSS. There are three areas we are permitted to write CSS and these are. Combining Rules – Selectors – Pseudo Class – This issue was some time ago alluded to as feebleness likewise it continually influences a discover over here viagra...

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Learning Advanced CSS Faster Than Ever

PLEASE NOTE: This lesson will not be discussing CSS3. Why we wont cover CSS3 here is due to a lack of complete and sound support of most CSS3 styles across all browsers. With this in mind its only wise for us to focus on CSS1 and CSS2 as these are the more well supported versions and will be for some time. Don’t get me wrong I’m all for CSS3 but until us as an entire web community ditch these...

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Learning The Basics of CSS Faster Than Ever

So you want to learn CSS huh? Well I can teach it but can you make it stick? My goal here today is to give a CSS beginner a basic understanding of not only how to use CSS but what it really is for. I will do my best to approach the idea of CSS from an entry-level user but I will do so in a matter of minutes. – What is CSS? – When do I use it? – How do I use it? These three questions are...

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